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Using the Photo-Keywords Hierarchical Keyword List in BreezeBrowser Pro

BreezeBrowser Pro External link opens a new Browser window is yet another image management program that can utilise the Photo-Keywords.Com Keyword List, and installing it as a BreezeBrowser Pro 'Keyword Catalog' is very quick and very easy.

Using Keywords in BreezeBrowser Pro
With the Keyword Catalog installation completed in just a few seconds, we can dive straight into Keyword Operation with BreezeBrowswer Pro. Select a suitable image in main view or thumbnail mode, then do one of three things:

  1. Select the "Edit IPTC/XMP Data..." option from the Edit menu.
  2. Press 'Shift+Ctrl+I' on your keyboard.
  3. Right click on the image and select 'Edit IPTC/XMP Data... from the menu.

These options will be grayed out if the image doesn't support IPTC data. Assuming that it does, the 'IPTC/XMP Data' window will open. The IPTC Data dialog is divided up into six different sections: Description, Keywords, Categories, Contact, Origin and Image. Click on the Keywords tab to display the keywords section.

Entering a list of keywords in BreezeBrowser Pro

Alternatively, you can access the Keyword Editor, which can be used to add keywords to the IPTC/XMP data stored in the image without affecting other data stored in the image. To find it, do one of these three things:

  1. Select the "Keywords..." option from the Edit menu.
  2. Press 'Shift+Ctrl+K' on your keyboard.
  3. Right click on the image and select 'Edit Keywords... from the menu.
Accessing the Keyword Editor in BreezeBrowser Pro

The keywords are displayed in the order they were entered (as opposed to alphabetical order) and each keyword must be unique and no more than 64 characters in length. To add a new keyword enter the keyword in the text edit area at the top and either press the Enter key or the Add button. To delete keywords first select them from the list in the lower white box then press the Delete button.

The way the keywords are updated is controlled by the Merge, Replace And Delete radio buttons at the bottom of the dialog.

Adding words from the Keyword Catalog
Press the "Catalog..." button to display the installed Keyword Catalog:

Adding words from the Keyword Catalog in BreezeBrowser Pro

Keywords can be selected by browsing the keyword tree or by entering a search string and pressing the Find button. Note the 'Exact Match' qualifier - if it is cleared, a search for 'balloon' will also locate 'balloonist' and 'ballooning'. If more than one result is found, a new window will open, and you can select the result you want then press the OK button to display the selected item in the expanded tree:

Selecting keywords from the BreezeBrowser Pro Keyword Tree

Press the OK button or double click on the item in the tree to copy the selected keyword to the IPTC/XMP keyword dialog.

Synonyms for a keyword are shown in the keyword tree within braces/curly brackets, located after the relevant keyword. Synonyms are included when searching. Synonyms are only copied to the "Selected Keywords" with the main keyword when the 'Include synonyms with selected keywords' box is selected.

Items enclosed in square brackets are headings to help organize the keywords and are not copied to the "Selected Keywords" when you click on them. If you want to add one of these words, you'll have to type it in by hand.

Keyword Shortcuts
Up to nine preset keywords or keyword combinations can be defined and applied to images in the main and thumbnail views using the keyboard shortcuts Alt+1 through Alt+9. These can be useful when processing a large file of images. Press the 'Shortcuts...' button from within the Keywords Editor to define the preset keywords:

Defining the BreezeBrowser Pro Keyword Shortcuts

With the settings shown above pressing the keyboard shortcut Alt+1 will add the four keywords 'Europe', 'Turkey', 'Cappadocia', and 'Goreme' to any existing keywords in the currently selected images in thumbnail view or the currently displayed image in main view.

A full guide to using keywords in BreezeBrowswer Pro can be found here:

Do you like this ballooning photograph? Its an award winner! You can see the full size version, find out where it was taken, learn the story behind the image, license it for your own use, or buy your own print by visiting the GnomePlanet.Com Photo Of The Month - May 2012 page.

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