Product Taxonomies for Amazon, Bing, eBay and Google
My keyword lists contain a huge range of easy-to-find, carefully organised everyday items that are ideal for all aspects of general and specialized photo-tagging and image keywording. However, some people want *everything*, and when that comes to retail purchasing, and you need a list that contain practically every tiny detail of items available in a store, it is hard to beat the extensive product taxonomies from the major retailers such as Amazon, Bing, eBay and Google.
These huge lists are all available online, but their format is not very friendly or easy to use. They are generally supplied in an un-sorted flatfile-format, and can contain line-errors, format-errors, or characters such as punctuation and foreign accented letters that are not allowed in most image processing and storage software.
To help you around these problems, I now supply processed versions of these lists. They have been converted into correctly formatted tab-indented lists, suitable for direct import into Lightroom, Bridge, Breeze Browser Pro, Photo Mechanic, FotoStation, and other programs.
I do not charge for the data for these lists, which is already in the public domain, but ask for a small amount to cover the extra work involved in creating a correctly formatted list: 10.00 USD for each list.
The available product taxonomy lists are:
- The lists are completely separate from my keyword lists, and do not contain any of my standard categories.
- The lists do not contain Node Id numbers.
- The data in the lists has not been altered, apart from error correction as mentioned above.
- The lists are the latest versions that I have found, though newer versions may be available elsewhere.
- eBay lists: only DE, GB, IRL, and US lists contain the 'eBay Motors' categories.
- I have only processed the data, not created it, and as such it may still be under original copyright.
- All commas, question marks, and other illegal characters have been removed.