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Tab-List Tools - a Complete Toolbox for Tab-Indented Lists

Suitable for keyword lists, controlled vocabularies, and all other users of the tab-indented hierarchical format..

Do you use tab-indented lists? They are a very useful format to define a hierarchical structure for your data, but here's the catch: until now, the task of creating, error-checking, and visualizing a tab-indented list was fraught with problems. There was no suitable software dedicated to the tab-indented list format, and errors were easy to both generate, and miss. As one of the leading suppliers of tab-indented keywording lists for the photographic industry, I have encountered many of the problems that can be generated by improperly formatted data, and know from personal experience how difficult it is to spot tiny errors that can bring software such as Adobe Lightroom grinding to a sudden and unexpected halt. I have created a lot of tools in the past to generate my own lists, and have now put all these together in one handy package for anyone who needs to work with their own tab-indented lists.

If you want to develop your own Keyword Lists, or edit existing ones, it makes sense to use some form of automation to help you in this task. When editing by hand, it is all too easy to add typos, and the programs that use tab-indented lists such as Aperture, BreezeBrowser, Bridge, Lightroom, Photo Mechanic, etc. are all rather un-forgiving when it comes to list-errors. If you are lucky, the program will give you some clue as to where the error lies, but usually you will receive a less-than-helpful "Only text files encoded with ASCII or unicode UTF-8 are supported when importing keywords" message.

Q: Hey - I'm a photographer. I've heard of ASCII but I'm not sure what it means. Not got a clue about 'unicode UTF-8'. What do I do next?

A: Don't worry. The Tab-List Tools program provides you with a full suite of tools that let you work on all aspects of creating, editing, fixing, and visualizing the lists you need to keep your images earning money, without needing to understand a lot of the technical details.

Q: I'm not a photographer, but I do use hierarchical lists. Will the Tab-List Tools program be useful to me?

A: Yes, of course. Anyone who works with data in a tab-indented format will find that this program saves them lots of time and money.

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